Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Three Months In London

Hey guys!

I finally received the schedule for my time in London! It all looks pretty darn exciting!
Also, we got our room assignments. I will be living with a flat, along with four others. There are three people in my room alone, so its basically like a dorm. My friends Robin and Lauren and I are sharing a room. Its cool that I know them, but its TERRIBLE THAT THEY BOTH SNORE! But no need to fear.... my moms getting me wax earplugs. And if I am too annoyed, I can go to the living room and sleep on the couch. Basically, I might be spending the three months sleeping on a couch.
This is where I will be staying......Link

Anyways, I want to let you know what the schedule looks like so far....

14- We arrive
The rest of the week is filled with meeting type things/ getting to know the area
19- Lyndon (one of the professors) takes us on a walk... not quite sure what that consists of yet
21- Day-Trip: Warwick Castle, Stratford Avon, Romeo and Juliet play
26- Visit Parliament
27- JERSEY BOY SHOW! i cant wait to see this again!

2- Jack-the-Ripper walk
4- Shopping and Cooking task
9- Les Miserable's show
11- Day-Trip: Dungeness & Rye
13-15: FRANCE! (i really want to spend more time in paris!)
16- Mousetrap show. This is the longest running broadway play
18- Day-Trip: Cambridge University
21-22: LONDON FASHION WEEK! (i am hoping to go one day!!!)
23-1: Spring Break. We will be going to Greece for some of this time

4-5- Day-Trip: Overnight Liverpool and Manchester
11- Riverboat ride down the Thames and Greenwich
16- Wicked show (I saw this once and will see it again with my mom in april!)
18- Day-Trip: Stonehenge & Bath (i feel like stonehenge will be like one of those things where you see so many pictures of it that its just going to be like.... okayyy)
25- Day-Trip: Windsor Castle!!
28- Classical Extravaganza- Royal Albert Hall
30- St. Martin-in-the-Fields church concert

1- Shakespeare and Dickens Walk
6-7: Finals
Also, I do have classes Monday - Thursday. They consist of...
  1. British Life & Culture
  2. British Literature
  3. British Pop History
  4. Independent Study ( Fashion )
This is my International Student Card...

One more thing, on this trip, we have numbers, not names.
My number is the LUCKY 13..... I hope that doesn't play any superstitions on me.

Well, I guess thats all I have to update you on.
I am getting more excited and more nervous, as well as my emotions are kicking in ALOT.

