Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Three Months In London

Hey guys!

I finally received the schedule for my time in London! It all looks pretty darn exciting!
Also, we got our room assignments. I will be living with a flat, along with four others. There are three people in my room alone, so its basically like a dorm. My friends Robin and Lauren and I are sharing a room. Its cool that I know them, but its TERRIBLE THAT THEY BOTH SNORE! But no need to fear.... my moms getting me wax earplugs. And if I am too annoyed, I can go to the living room and sleep on the couch. Basically, I might be spending the three months sleeping on a couch.
This is where I will be staying......Link

Anyways, I want to let you know what the schedule looks like so far....

14- We arrive
The rest of the week is filled with meeting type things/ getting to know the area
19- Lyndon (one of the professors) takes us on a walk... not quite sure what that consists of yet
21- Day-Trip: Warwick Castle, Stratford Avon, Romeo and Juliet play
26- Visit Parliament
27- JERSEY BOY SHOW! i cant wait to see this again!

2- Jack-the-Ripper walk
4- Shopping and Cooking task
9- Les Miserable's show
11- Day-Trip: Dungeness & Rye
13-15: FRANCE! (i really want to spend more time in paris!)
16- Mousetrap show. This is the longest running broadway play
18- Day-Trip: Cambridge University
21-22: LONDON FASHION WEEK! (i am hoping to go one day!!!)
23-1: Spring Break. We will be going to Greece for some of this time

4-5- Day-Trip: Overnight Liverpool and Manchester
11- Riverboat ride down the Thames and Greenwich
16- Wicked show (I saw this once and will see it again with my mom in april!)
18- Day-Trip: Stonehenge & Bath (i feel like stonehenge will be like one of those things where you see so many pictures of it that its just going to be like.... okayyy)
25- Day-Trip: Windsor Castle!!
28- Classical Extravaganza- Royal Albert Hall
30- St. Martin-in-the-Fields church concert

1- Shakespeare and Dickens Walk
6-7: Finals
Also, I do have classes Monday - Thursday. They consist of...
  1. British Life & Culture
  2. British Literature
  3. British Pop History
  4. Independent Study ( Fashion )
This is my International Student Card...

One more thing, on this trip, we have numbers, not names.
My number is the LUCKY 13..... I hope that doesn't play any superstitions on me.

Well, I guess thats all I have to update you on.
I am getting more excited and more nervous, as well as my emotions are kicking in ALOT.



Sunday, October 26, 2008

In The Beginning

Hello everyone!Link

I know it is a little early to be starting a blog, but I am very excited for my London trip! On this blog I am going to post (hopefully) daily on what I have been doing throughout the day, cool things I see, experiences of being in a different country, and so on.

I will be updating with photos as well, but I think I will also have a flickr (www.flickr.com) or photobucket (www.photobucket.com) account for mass photos that I take.

ANYWAYS, I am very exciting to be going to London, updating this blog, and getting ready!

oh and also.....
to the right of the page you can "follow" my blog, which allows you to comment on my posts. SO DO IT.... follow me! but there is a catch... I guess you have to sign up to have a gmail (google mail) account to follow me. Its quick to sign up though and I would really like to be able to comment to you and have comments from you guys. thanks!

Love, Kathy