Thursday, January 15, 2009

One word: Hectic

Yes. Thats all it has been since the moment we arrived.
I have so much to tell you!!
I will start off with yesterday...
We arrived, got to our flats. They are TINY for 5 girls. There is no plug in the bathroom, or by any mirror for that fact, making it a little hard to do my hair. I'll survive though.
Funny thing about the toilet. We have to wait 5 minutes between each flush!
I totally wish i had a cell phone to call home! There have been so many things that I have wanted to tell different people but I cant!

We got our tube passes. Today we went on the tube. Its just like the subways in Chicago but a bit nicer. Everywhere is pretty clean I would say but a lot of trash residue.
Lauren, Robin, and I have our own little pub that we don't want to tell anyone else about. ha. The bartenders name is Alex but we call him Ally. I had my first pint. Everyone wants to go out at night. I wasnt really up for it last night or tonight. I'll have my time though.

Sidenote: I wont be able to upload pictures unless I go to the library because in the flats we have a MegaByte limit or something? idk, Robin already went over.

Today we went SHOPPING! Yes! Now that is wayyy too addicting here. I could never live here, oh wait, I am. But I dont know how I will stop myself. JUST KIDDING MOM! I got a faux fur vest.... that I have been wanting and it was super on sale! Jeans.. oh yes JEANS! Almost everyone wears skinny/straight legged jeans here... even the men. Its wonderful. So now I have found jeans that fit just the way I like & their all made like that. We stopped in TopShop which is an AMAZINGAMAZING store. Kind of like an H&M or Forever 21 but like 5000000000 X better! Everything in there is Kathy. AHH I just fell in love. And we went to this place that is super cheap. They have cute stuff but I feel like it is cheap in 2 ways if you catch my drift.
I really miss everyone! Its going to be weird just hanging out with these twenty some people. But we have meet some Londoners, who are all very nice! We went to the grocery and it all seemed very cheap. Its strange though because you see 3 pounds and think.. oh 3 dollars! but its not.

***I hope to have some pictures up soon... I feel pretty bad not having any, but once I find out where the library is I will be able to!***

I love it here! Minus feeling like I am spending a lot of money. Our view from our flat is awesome! We can see the London Eye all lit up at night.
If you have any Qs about something I forgot to mention let me know!

LOVE, kathy


Anonymous said...

I misss you! BSU has become more boring without you, I feel horrible that I never got to see you before you left. I'm glad your having fun - I know about topshop, it's soo cute! Also we were all watching american idol last night and if you don't already know jason castros younger brother got through to hollywood! hahaa...but he's not a cutie like jason. You really need to video chat with us soon...but I never seem to be online the same time you are - not that you would be spending much time online when you are in LONDON! have an awesome weekend - i hope i chat with you soon girl!

Dave said...

What the hell is all this shopping?
You know that you have a few months there. Please watch your spending. I'm glad you are getting everything ready to study. Sounds like fun.

sestamm said...

Are there bears in London?

Are they dangerous?

Have you been attacked??

KaTHY said...

KELSEY- i miss you too! i hope your having a good semester so far. i cant believe jasons brother is on! i bet he's not as cute. I definitely do want to ichat with you so we'll have to figure out this time stuff

DAD- I am watching my spending. It was just overwhelming excitement from the second day. Today a cop came into our class and told us about safety.

STEPH- One of my roommates got attacked but she will be fine i think. I brought bear protector so im good.