Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good to be hom

This weekend I traveled to Paris with Robin and Lauren. It was an experience.
We arrived Thursday. Airports here are a lot different in the way they are set up. The flight was less than an hour. It took us awhile to figure out the subway there, especially when you don't know their language. Our hotel was ok for the first two nights. Small. We met up with a friend of a friend of Laurens that night. His name was Stephan. We met at a bar, let me just say that Paris boys are really nice. They just come up to you and talk. But Stephan bought us all beers which was nice and showed us around town on Friday. I was so thankful because he knew so much more than we ever would have known if we did everything ourselves. We went to the Louvre which was quite interesting. I wish I could have spent more time there, but I dont think everyone else was really enjoying it much. We saw the Mona Lisa which was honestly not that interesting. But my favorite part of the Louvre was the statues! Its hard to imagine how old they are and still look so amazing!
The places we visited were:
  • The Eiffel Tower
  • Notre Dame
  • The Louvre
  • Sacre Coeur: this was amazing because you could look out and see the whole city!
  • The Cafe from the movie Amelie!!
Disneyland was great! Lauren and I went on Valentines Day. We got autograph books and everything! haha. Made the best of our silly day. Saw Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas, whom I have never seen at disney before so that was neato!
Oh, and get this... we had a meal that was 17 euros!!!!! THATS LIKE 25 DOLLARS FOR LUNCH!
I went to Paris and all I got was a crappy 25 dollar salad, dessert, and bread!
I didn't even get a drink! They played me a fool!
But yeah, we were supposed to stay with Laurens friend on Saturday so we didn't book a hotel for that night and that didn't end up happening so we had to get a last minute hotel. It was at Quality Inn which was nicer than the one before (and it should have been for the price) but yeah.. it was the best sleep I have had in a while. And the whole couch thing hasn't been working out well the past 2 nights.

SO last night we, as a group, went to see mousetrap the play. It ended up being really good. BUT, on our way there we got a little lost and ended up right next to............

THE PREMIER OF CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC!!!! It was so cool! Like with all the celebrities and everything people!!! It was so neat! I didnt see anyone but the experience of being right there was surreal! And I told our G.A at the play that we got RIPPED OFF! And we were supposed to be seeing the premiere tonight, not the mousetrap ha.

Last week we also went to Cambridge college. I really liked the area. All students have to ride bikes because they aren't allowed cars. I like that policy! The town was so old and beautiful. I put pictures up of a bunch of things I have done the past week.

Tonight we are going to an IceBar! sooo cool! I can't wait!

Love you!


sestamm said...

dont be lettin' the french play you a fool, girl

Kathy's Mom said...

so where are the pictures and how do I find them?